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Setup a Multi Node Kubernetes Cluster on mac

Here, we will are going to learn how to setup a Multi Node Kubernetes Cluster on mac with example and details.

To setup a multi node Kubernetes cluster on a Mac, you can use kind (Kubernetes IN Docker). kind is a tool for running local Kubernetes clusters using Docker container “nodes.” This guide assumes that you have Docker Desktop installed and running on your Mac.


  1. A Mac with Apple silicon (M1 chip) or Intel-based Mac (2011 model or newer).
  2. macOS 10.14 Mojave or later.
  3. Install Docker Desktop

Step 1: Install kind

Install kind using Homebrew by running the following command in your terminal:

brew install kind

Step 2: Create a kind configuration file:

Create a configuration file to define your multi-node cluster. This configuration file allows you to customize the cluster’s settings, such as the number of control-plane and worker nodes.

Create a file named kind-config.yaml with the following content (Recommended – Create file and Run all given below commands at $HOME path)

kind: Cluster
- role: control-plane
- role: worker
- role: worker

This configuration file creates a cluster with one control-plane node and two worker nodes. You can adjust the number of nodes as needed.

Step 3: Create the Kubernetes cluster

Now, create the Kubernetes cluster using the kind create cluster command with the --config flag:

kind create cluster --name my-cluster --config kind-config.yaml

This command creates a Kubernetes cluster named “my-cluster” with the specified configuration.

Step 4: Configure kubectl to interact with the cluster

kind automatically creates a kubeconfig file for the cluster, which can be found in ${HOME}/.kube/kind-config-my-cluster.

To use kubectl with the new cluster, set the KUBECONFIG environment variable:

export KUBECONFIG="${HOME}/.kube/kind-config-my-cluster"

Alternatively, you can set the context with kubectl:

kubectl config use-context kind-my-cluster

Step 5: Verify the cluster

Use kubectl to verify that the multi-node Kubernetes cluster is running:

kubectl get nodes

You should see one control-plane node and two worker nodes with the “Ready” status.

Step 6: Delete the cluster

If you are done then you can also delete the cluster.

kind delete cluster --name my-cluster

To learn more about golang, Please refer given below link.


Posted in kubernetes

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