
Leetcode 2544: Alternating Digit Sum Solution

Here, we will see how to solve Alternating Digit Sum Solution of leet code 2544 problem.

You are given a positive integer n. Each digit of n has a sign according to the following rules:

You have to return the sum of all digits with their corresponding sign.

Example 1:

Input: num = 123
Output: 2
Explanation: (+1) + (-2) + (+3) = 2

Example 2:

Input: num = 886996
Output: 0
Explanation: (+8) + (-8) + (+6) + (-9) + (+9) + (-6) = 0.

Alternating Digit Sum Solution in C++:

Here, we will be solving problem in multiple ways with code.

C++ code 1:

class Solution {


    int alternateDigitSum(int n) {

        int k = 1, ans = 0;


            ans += (n%10) * k;

            n = n / 10;

            k *= -1;


        return -k * ans;


C++ code 2:

class Solution {


    int alternateDigitSum(int n) {

        int total_digit = 0, tmp = n, sign, sum = 0;
        while(tmp) {

            total_digit += 1;

            tmp /= 10;


        if (total_digit % 2 == 1) {

            sign = 1;

        } else {

            sign = -1;


        while(n) {

            sum += (n % 10) * sign;

            n /= 10;

            sign *= -1;


        return sum;




Input: n = 111
Output: 1
Explanation: (+1) + (-1) + (+1) = 1.

Time complexity: O(n)

Space complexity: O(1)

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