
Docker – Show the running processes in docker container

We will help you to understand how to show the running processes in docker container. For this, we use “docker top container_name” command.

docker top” command can be used with various options to show the running processes of a docker container.


Docker is a powerful platform that allows developers to create, deploy, and manage applications in containers. Containers are lightweight, portable, and provide an isolated environment for applications to run. One essential aspect of managing containers is understanding and monitoring the processes running inside them. In this article, we will discuss how to show the running processes in a Docker container and explore various options to obtain detailed information about these processes.

Using docker top

The docker top command is a convenient way to display the running processes inside a Docker container. This command shows the processes running in a container in a similar format to the Unix top or ps command. The basic syntax of the docker top command is:

docker top [CONTAINER]

Where [CONTAINER] is the container ID or name.


Suppose you have a running container with the name my_container. You can display the running processes in this container using the following command:

docker top my_container

This command will display a table with information about the running processes, including their process IDs (PIDs), user, CPU usage, memory usage, and more.

You should see output similar to the following:

UID                 PID                 PPID                C                   STIME               TTY                 TIME                CMD
root                12345               12330               0                   10:00               ?                   00:00:00            sleep 3600

Using docker exec with ps

Another way to show running processes in a Docker container is to use the docker exec command to execute the ps command inside the container. This method provides more flexibility, as you can use various options and arguments available with the ps command. The basic syntax is:

docker exec [CONTAINER] ps [OPTIONS]

Where [CONTAINER] is the container ID or name, and [OPTIONS] are the options for the ps command.


To display the running processes in a container named my_container using the ps command with the -aux option, you can use the following command:

docker exec my_container ps -aux

This command will show detailed information about the running processes, including their PIDs, user, CPU usage, memory usage, start time, and command.

Using docker-compose exec with ps

If you are using Docker Compose to manage your containers, you can use the docker-compose exec command to execute the ps command inside a specific service container. The basic syntax is:

docker-compose exec [SERVICE] ps [OPTIONS]

Where [SERVICE] is the name of the service defined in your docker-compose.yml file, and [OPTIONS] are the options for the ps command.


To display the running processes in a service named my_service using the ps command with the -aux option, you can use the following command:

docker-compose exec my_service ps -aux

This command will show detailed information about the running processes, just like the docker exec method.


In this article, we have explored different methods to show the running processes in a Docker container, including using docker top, docker exec, and docker-compose exec. Each method has its advantages, depending on the level of detail and control you need. By understanding how to monitor processes inside Docker containers, you can better manage your containerized applications and ensure optimal performance and resource usage.

To learn more about docker, Please refer given below link:


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